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WindSync presents: Carnival of the Animals!

This week I got to play two fantastic programs with WindSync at Miller Outdoor Theater in Houston, Texas. It was super exciting, because we premiered our bassoonist's (Kara Lamoure) reimagination of Camille Saint-Saëns' Carnival of the Animals for wind quintet and piano. Our guest pianist, Andrew Staupe, was incredible. The concerts were free, and one of them was live-streamed on Miller Outdoor Theater's Facebook page and Youtube channels! If you missed the stream, unfortunately the have removed the video links :/ However, please enjoy some a few behind-the-scenes photos I snapped from our dress rehearsal, and a clip from one of my favorite clarinet moments in our concert opener, Erberk Eryılmaz's "Rakı Havası" for wind quintet and davul, a Turkish drum.

Quick pic from the dressing room before going out on stage.

[From the WindSync website]

September 24, 2021

8 pm

Miller Outdoor Theater

Hermann Park, Houston, TX

PROGRAM Erberk Eryılmaz: Rakı Havası Johann Strauss II/arr. Schulz-Evler: Concert Arabesques on Themes from On the Beautiful Blue Danube Ludwig Thuille: Sextet for Piano and Winds in Bb major, Op. 6 Allegro moderato Larghetto Gavotte. Andante quasi allegretto Finale. Vivace

Camille Saint-Saëns/arr. LaMoure: Carnival of the Animals I. Introduction and Royal March of the Lion II. Hens and Roosters III. Wild Donkeys IV. Tortoises V. The Elephant VI. Kangaroos VII. Aquarium VIII. Personages with Long Ears IX. The Cuckoo in the Heart of the Woods X. Aviary XI. Pianists XII. Fossils XIII. The Swan XIV. Finale

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Program notes and musician bios:

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